Bożena Muszyńska, Katarzyna Sułkowska-Ziaja, Halina Ekiert
Właściwości lecznicze i dietetyczne wybranych jadalnych grzybów wielkoowocnikowych
Medicinal and dietetic properties of some edible mushrooms
In recent years an increase in the consumption of edible mushrooms has been observed. In many countries mushrooms have been a popular delicacy, as they add flavor and texture to a meal. Fruiting bodies of mushrooms from the taxon of Basidiomycota are a known source of a variety of biologically active compounds belonging to both primary and secondary metabolites. The best known fungal polysaccharides are used for anticancer therapy; numerous non-hallucinogenic indole compounds (serotonin, melatonin), different terpene compounds, total phenols, vitamins A, D, E, B, C are responsible for their antioxidant properties. The aim of this article was to show the dietary and medicinal properties of the most popular edible mushrooms: Cantharellus cibarius (Chantarelle), Boletus edulis (King Bolete), Suillus luteus (Slippery Jack), Lactarius deliciosus (Saffron milk cap), Armillaria mellea (Honey mushroom), Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster mushroom), Agaricus bisporus (White bottom mushroom), Lentinula edodes (Shitake). This article is the answer for media, which especially during mushrooming (the cause are poisoning by inedible mushrooms) published information that even edible mushrooms are not safe and have only value because of their aroma.
Keywords: Basidiomycota, edible mushrooms, primary metabolites, secondary metabolites.
© Farm Pol, 2011, 67(8): 553-562