Magdalena Waszyk-Nowaczyk, Marek Simon, Beata Szukalska

Opieka farmaceutyczna jako zadanie i problem aptekarzy

Pharmaceutical care as a duty and pharmacists’ problem

Nowadays pharmaceutical care should be considered as a pharmacist’s main task which in assumption should include broad cooperation with patient as well as other health-care professionals who provide medical care for the patient. A significant barrier in pharmaceutical care implementation is uncertainty which results from lack of information considering patient health and further inability to assess drug effects which eventually makes discussions with physicians difficult. The commercialization of pharmacies is also a problem. Pharmacists are prepared to provide pharmaceutical care in areas such as pharmacology, toxicology and drug interactions but often essential organizational conditions aren’t fulfilled. The main role in implementation of a new services plays pharmacists’ positive attitude towards pharmaceutical care as a new aspect of occupational activity. Only the full understanding of pharmaceutical care philosophy will allow to deliver efficient care to patients and change pharmacist’s image in Poland.
Keywords: pharmaceutical care, pharmacist, physician, community pharmacy.