Anna Kijewska, Mariola Drozd, Anna Zeliasz, Ewa Poleszak

Ocena efektywności opieki farmaceuty nad chorym z astmą oskrzelową. Część 1. Charakterystyka chorych na astmę

The effectiveness analysis of pharmaceutical care for patients with asthma. Part 1. Characteristics of patients with asthma

Asthma is a chronic, incurable disease where the main objective of effective treatment is adequate disease control. The increase in the number of patients with asthma, inappropriate control, and hence a significant increase in cost incurred by patients and health care budgets make us take the characteristics of patients with this disease in order to assess the effectiveness of care the patients with asthma get, which influences their health condition in future. The paper presents the results obtained, taking into account the demographic and medical characteristics of the examined patients.
Keywords: bronchial asthma, pharmaceutical care, pharmaceutical advice.