Jadwiga Brzezińska

Michał Idzi-Białobrzeski (1869–1931) – „dorpatczyk”, wybitny farmaceuta-przemysłowiec

Michał Idzi-Białobrzeski (1869–1931) an outstanding Polish pharmacist and industrialist

Michał Białobrzeski, a pharmacist, was a very talented chemist. During his pharmaceutical studies in Dorpata he received 2 gold medals for his chemical research. He got a diploma of Master Of Pharmacy and Master of Science (chemistry). He founded an analytical laboratory in Warsaw and then a pharmacy. In 1913 year he sold the pharmacy and bought a little chemical factory near Warsaw. The factory was developed and he started the production of various chemical agents. He died suddenly in 1931 year.
Keywords: M. I. Białobrzeski, Universitat In Dorpata.