Marcin Kasiak

Choroby przyzębia – etiologia, profilaktyka i leczenie

Periodontal disease – etiology, prevention and treatment

Periodontal diseases are very popular problem. The goal of this article is to present shortly the etiology, prophylaxis and possibilities of treatment. Periodontitis has a very complex etiology. It may partly be caused by patient’s predispositions, genetic factors as well as patients habits, oral hygiene and taken medicines. Prophylaxis of periodontitis is based mainly on maintaining a proper level of oral hygiene. Most important is every day oral hygiene done by patient himself, but it must be accompanied by the professional hygiene done in the dental office.
In the last years many treatment options ware developed. Still there is no possibility for resustitio ad integrum. The goal of the treatment is mainly to stop the process of periodontium destruction. The possibilities of reconstruction of periodontium are still very limited.
Keywords: periodontitis, oral hygiene, dental prophylaxis.