Katarzyna Ufnal, Iwona Piotrowska, Edmund Sieradzki

Wpływ krytycznych parametrów technologicznych na proces produkcji maści z ketoprofenem

Influence of critical technological parameters on the manufacturing process of ointment with ketoprophen

In this study the ointment with ketoprophen were made according to Plackett-Burman design. Seven critical parameters were tested in eight arrangements, which could have caused undesirable qualitative features of the ointments. The preparations were surrendered for the following measurements: viscosity, stretchablity, tendency of the stratification, pharmaceutical availability, measurement of the pH and organoleptic evaluation.
Keywords: ketoprophen, Plackett-Burman designs, viscosity.

Wpływ krytycznych parametrów technologicznych na proces produkcji maści z ketoprofenem

428.36 kB | 21 grudnia 2017