Urszula Kurczewska, Magdalena Jasińska, Daria Orszulak-Michalak

Opieka paliatywna w Polsce - wybrane zagadnienia Część I. Założenia, organizacja i funkcjonowanie opieki paliatywnej.

The palliative care in Poland - selected issues
Part I. The objectives, organization and functioning of palliative care
The development of palliative car is considered to be one of the chief goals of the health policy. In accordance with the Recommendations of Council of Europe concerning the organization of palliative care services, the caregivers should know the main principles of the palliative care functioning and be properly educated in this field. The objective of our review was to framework for the contemporary palliative care, its organization and functioning and to indicate main difficulties connected with. Considering the objectives of such services improving the symptom control and patients quality of life, the increasing role of pharmacists was emphasized, as well.
Keywords: palliative care, organization of palliative care, financing palliative care, pharmacist.

Opieka paliatywna w Polsce - wybrane zagadnienia Część I. Założenia, organizacja i funkcjonowanie opieki paliatywnej.

213.12 kB | 21 grudnia 2017