Wojciech Giermaziak

Ustawodawstwo farmaceutyczne w latach 1945-2008. Przyczynek do analizy służebnej funkcji prawa uwarunkowanego sytuacją polityczną i gospodarczą Polski i Europy

Pharmaceutical legislation in years: 1945-2008. Contribution to the analysis of the auxiliary function of law determined by the political and economic situation in Europe and Poland. The history of law-making is closely linked to the social development of mankind. Contemporarily Polish pharmaceutical law worked out and developed between World War 1 and World War 2, after Poland had regained independence in 1918 (after 123 years of being partitioned). Then, on the 8th of January, 1951 the communist state nationalized the pharmaceutical business in Poland, both retail and wholesale. At the same time the Polish pharmaceutical self-government was liquidated. It stopped the normal functioning of Polish pharmacies and destroyed pharmacists lives and careers for the next 50 years.

The election of cardinal Karol Wojtyła from Cracow as a pope John Paul II in 1978 and the formation of "solidarity" trade Union in 1980 were the milestones 9 along with other events and factors) In the postwar European and Polish history.

On the 4th of June 1989 partially free (in 33%) general election took place in Poland as result of the "Round Table" talks. Step by step Poland was regaining full independence and implementing free market economy (the Balcerowicz plan). Consequently, New Pharmaceutical Law and Pharmaceutical Chamber were introduced into our social and economic system in 1991.

On the 1st of May 2004, Poland became a member of the Europenian Union. In the years before the accession the Polish pharmaceutical law was being adjusted to the EU laws directives. Such concepts as good Manufacturing Practice, good Clinic Practice, Good distribution Practice and good laboratory practice were implemented into Polish law and business activity and culture.

To sum up, political and economical conditions had the decisive impact on the shape and strategy of the pharmaceutical law in Poland. It is also to be expected that the EU directives shall be a useful companion to Polish pharmaceutical legislation to make it clear and friendly in the years to come.


Pharmaceutical law, pharmaceutical legislation, law acta in pharmacy, history of Polish contemporary pharmaceutical legislation.

Ustawodawstwo farmaceutyczne w latach 1945-2008. Przyczynek do analizy służebnej funkcji prawa uwarunkowanego sytuacją polityczną i gospodarczą Polski i Europy

92.52 kB | 21 grudnia 2017