Magdalena Waszyk-Nowaczyk, Marek Simon

Problemy związane z wdrażaniem opieki farmaceutycznej w Polsce

Problems with implementation of pharmaceutical care in Poland. Pharmacist is often the first person who is faced with the medical problems of the patients. He is also the last stage of the health care system which is contacted by the patient prior to the beginning of the therapy. The increase of health awareness and difficult access to ambulatory treatment should be associated with implementation of the pharmaceutical care to the pharmacy. This may succeed in an increase in the social status of the pharmacists; however, there are several difficulties in introduction of the pharmaceutical care into routine therapy. The most important problems therefore are the lack of statute of pharmacist as health care professional, inappropriate attitude of pharmacists towards the work as well as the need for organizational changes in the practice.

The implementation of the pharmaceutical care into practice is a long term process and requires establishing of appropriate proceeding standards. Therefore, a special expert group was appointed, which consist of Members of Polish Pharmaceutical Chamber and Polish Pharmaceutical Society. The changes initiated by this group are a big challenge for the pharmacists and will result soon in an increase in the quality of work as well as the personel and patient satisfaction.


community pharmacy, pharmaceutical care, self-treatment, pharmacist.

Problemy związane z wdrażaniem opieki farmaceutycznej w Polsce

75.47 kB | 21 grudnia 2017