Anita Chodkowska

Ślady warszawskich farmaceutów w czasie II wojny światowej w zbiorach IPN. "Apel poległych"

Traces of Warsaw's pharmacists during the II World War, in the set of documents of the Insititute of National Remembrance. Calling of a roll of honour. After the Second World War, in all Poland, a big action of counting the casualties among Polish nation was carried out. Polish pharmacists also took part in this action by filling out a survey prepared by the Commission for the Examination of German Crimes in Poland. Nowadays, the survey is being kept among documentation of the Institute of National Remembrance. Information included in the survey were used only for general lists, the poll by itself has never been widely discussed or published. Today, the survey together with lists of casualties which have been published in "Polish Pharmacy" and the memories of pharmacists is an invaluable source to the history of Polish pharmacy. It is worth to remind it in the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the war, just to commemorate pharmacists who were killed or who died during the war.
Keywords: the Second World War, Warsaw's pharmacists, survey.

Ślady warszawskich farmaceutów w czasie II wojny światowej w zbiorach IPN. "Apel poległych"

112.93 kB | 21 grudnia 2017