Franciszek Główka, Marta Karaźniewicz-Łada

Metody izolacji leków i ich metabolitów z matrycy biologicznej stosowane w badaniach farmakokinetycznych

Methods of isolation of drugs and their metabolites from biological matrix applied in pharmacokinetic studies. Pharmacokinetic studies of drugs, defined as Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, are based on determination of the total drug concentrations following its isolation from biological matrix. The aim of the isolation of a parent drug or its metabolites from biological fluids is an appropriate preparation of the samples, in which the drug levels are determined by validated analytical methods, such as HPLC, GC or HPCE. Due to complexity of a biological matrix and different physicochemical properties of drugs, a selection of a suitable method for drug isolation from biological fluids is of great importance. The paper presents various methods for isolation of drugs from biological materials. The methods are based on different interactions between analyte and sorbent or organic solvent used in extraction process. Apart from classical methods: liquid-liquid extraction and solid phase extraction, many other techniques are presented, such as solid phase microextraction or supercritical fluid extraction, which are applied to pharmacokinetic studies more and more often.
Keywords: biological material, extraction, partition coefficient, eluotropic series, adsorbents.

Metody izolacji leków i ich metabolitów z matrycy biologicznej stosowane w badaniach farmakokinetycznych

217.47 kB | 21 grudnia 2017