G. Sygitowicz, T. Stawarski, D. Zapolska-Downar

Zastosowanie modelu hodowli pierwotnych komórek nabłonka przedniego rogówki wołowej do badań przenikania substancji leczniczych w warunkach in vitro

Bovine corneal epithei.ial primary cultures as an in vitro model for ocular studies. In the recent years a significant development of investigations relatives to bioavailability of ocular drugs have been state. A number of in vitro experimental procedures have been developed to assess corneal drug permeability. The corneal epithelial barrier is the main pathway for ocular permeation of topically applied ophthalmic drugs into the anterior chamber. A development of appropriate experimental drug delivery system is a special challenge for investigators. Predominantly are used epithelial cells originating from rabbit cornea (SIRC), or immortal cell lines obtained by infection with adenovirus SV -40 or transfection with plasmid RSV-T. They imitate cornea, make possible permeation of ocular drugs and demonstrate Transepithelial Electrical Resistance (TER). There is still needed to develop an in vitro cell culture model, using human and animal epithelial primary cultures for ocular studies with lipophylic and hydrophylic markers.