Henryk Marona, Karolina Stachura

Antyoksydanty i ich rola w zapobieganiu procesom starzenia się skóry oraz wybranych schorzeniach skornych

Antioxidants in the prevention of skin aging and other dermatologic conditions. Due to its interface function between the environment and the body, the skin is constantly exposed to various environmental sources of reactive oxygen species (ROS, such as ultraviolet radiation (UVR), air pollutants or chemical oxidants. Reactive oxygen species are considered a likely major contributor to skin aging, cancer and certain skin disorders. The skin relies on a complex system of enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants to protect itself from harmful reactive oxygen moieties. However, excessive free radical attack can overwhelm cutaneous antioxidant capacity, leading to oxidative skin damage. Supplying topical and oral exogenous antioxidants to the skin may prevent or minimize free radical-induced damaging. This short article reviews some of the scientific data supporting the use of topically and orally applied antioxidants for the protection of the skin and prophylaxis of certain skin diseases.