Kinga Czajka, Marta Wanowska, Bożenna Kwiatkowska, Edmund Sieradzki
Badanie wpływu nośników i substancji wypełniających oraz ich zawartości
na parametry fizyczne stałych postaci leku i uwalnianie substancji czynnej
z otrzymanych tabletek szkieletowych
Investigation of carriers and vehicular influence on physical parameters of solid dosage forms and active substance release from matrix tablets. The objective of this publication was working out the preparing method of matrix tablets containing an active sustance - paracetamol. The matrix was built of various types of substancesmethylocellulose, stearylic acid and acrylic polymers (Eudragit RS and RL). The active substance was incorporated in the matrix by directly compression method. The aim of the conducted studies is influence of auxiliary substances (especially substances which formes matrix and filling substances) on dissolution rate of active substance and durability of matrix tablets. The 32 series of tablets were prepared by compression in an excentric tablet press. Thanks to this tests we can achieve modern solid form of drugs with adequate parameters by modification of composition auxiliary substances.