Wiesława Stożkowska
Opieka farmaceutyczna - wyzwanie, konieczność i szansa
Pharmaceutical care - challenge, necessity, chance. The pharmacists participating in the process of treatment are obliged to prevent adverse effects, as well as pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic interactions caused by medication, as well as by iatrogenic disease resulting from patientsi ignorance about results of excessive treatment. An important role of the pharmacist can be also attributed to the monitoring of the course of the therapy and assessment of the effectiveness of the pharmacotherapy, on particular, in respect of chronic disease of civilisation. There is also a common notion, that the pharmacists should include in their work a broad sphere of prophylaxis and health promotion. Pharmacist services targeted at patients form basis of pharmaceutical care. New develop of the pharmaceutical care can help to achieve remarkable results in detection, prevention and treatment of different diseases of patients for the improvement of their quality of life.