Aleksandra Czerw, Urszula Religioni

Regulacje legislacyjne i pozalegislacyjne reklamy produktów leczniczych Rx w Polsce, Unii Europejskiej oraz Stanach Zjednoczonych – analiza porównawcza

Legislative and non-legislative regulations concerning Rx drug promotion in Poland, the European Union and the United States – comparative analysis

Drug advertising is one of the most popular forms of communication between pharmaceutical companies and prospect drug purchasers. In the face of strong competition on the pharmaceutical market on the one hand, and patient’s high susceptibility to various forms of advertising on the other, drug producers try to reach as wide group of recipients as possible.
However, proper medicine use requires not only doctor’s wide knowledge and experience, but also patient’s awareness of necessity of rational drug usage. Advertising activities related to this group of medicines are covered by rigorous law regulations, with taking into account above-mentioned issues, and other specific features of drugs available with prescription.
The aim of this article is to present legislative and non-legislative regulations concerning Rx drugs, taking into consideration law regulations that are in force in Poland, the European Union and the United States. Ethic codes implemented by drug producers associations were also used.
Keywords: medicinal product, Rx drug, drug’s advertisement.