S. M. Baranowska

Ze słownika farmaceuty-aptekarza; wyjaśnienie wybranych podstawowych pojęć związanych z farmacją

Dictionary of Pharmacy - explanation of selected, basic concepts connected with pharmacy
The publication refers to the paper of prof. Krówczyński published in 1971, which applied to the necessity of a proper de ning of basic concepts representing the domain of pharmacy. A survey of fundamental changes in the pharmaceutical terminology was made covering all consecutive pharmaceutical acts have been in force between 1951 and 2009. The most essential new de nitions were detailed.The attention was drawn to inaccuracies when determining some new concepts. The necessity of consulting all new legislative pharmaceutical acts with pharmacists and physicians are working out by translators or lawyers was also pointed out. I particular, when the European law regulations are going to be implemented in Poland.
Keywords: medicinal product, sanitary products, medical devices, biocidal products, active pharmaceutical ingredient, pharmaceutical act.

Ze słownika farmaceuty-aptekarza; wyjaśnienie wybranych podstawowych pojęć związanych z farmacją

94.21 kB | 21 decemeber 2017