Agnieszka Zimmermann, Rafał Zimmermann, Robert Szyca

Prawne aspekty produkcji leków do żywienia dojelitowego i pozajelitowego przez aptekę szpitalną

Legal aspects of preparing by a hospital pharmacy the medicinal products intended for both enternal and parenteral feeding.
A hospital pharmacy is a part of a hospital which, under the Polish law, is a public medical establishment being provided by the pharmacy with some services. The scope of such services includes preparing by the specialized personnel the products intended for the enternal and parenteral feeding. These nutrition methods of treatment are publicly available and well recognized when a nourishment via gastrointestinal tract is impossible, not sufficient or contraindicated. A hospital pharmacist's duty during a nutritional support is to prepare a feeding solution in an aseptic working conditions, which shall be previously verified in terms of stability and, afterwards, stored till its distribution to a ward or patient's house. The article describes legal aspects of preparing the medicinal products intended for the enternal and parenteral nutrition, including supplying these products to the patient treated at home. It also describes the principles of the pharmacy's liability which is recognized as the product manufacturer.
Keywords: hospital pharmacy, legislation, enteral feeding, parenteral feeding

Prawne aspekty produkcji leków do żywienia dojelitowego i pozajelitowego przez aptekę szpitalną

94.79 kB | 21 decemeber 2017