Jadwiga Mielcarek, Paweł Grobelny, Anna Lewandowska

Pitawastatyna i rozuwastatyna - najnowsza generacja statyn

Pitavastatin and rosuvastatin - newest generation of statins. Inhibitors of the HMG-CoA reductase introduced into clinical practice in the end of the 1980s, today are the drugs of choice for the treatment of dyslipidemia. Their proved effectiveness, high tolerance, few undesirable side effects and the continuously extending range of recommended applications (pleiotropic properties) make the statins a dynamically developing group of drugs. Therefore, the search for new compounds from this group showing specific target properties is continued. At present, seven statins are available on the world market of pharmaceuticals, in 2003 two highly active statins: rosuvastatin and pitavastatin, were introduced. Pitavastatin is characterised by relatively lipophilic properties and high bioavailability, when compared with the other compounds from this group (>60%) and a long half lifetime of about 11 hours. Rosuvastatin has been proved to reduce the level of cholesterol, and dilate arteries (permits a reversion of the clock), which can prevent the cardiac muscle infarct and cerebral stroke . However, it is often emphasised that these conclusions require further detail study.